Lines Manipulation

Remove Redundant Blank Lines Remove Remove Redundant Spaces... Remove Email Quoting Insert Text into Lines... Join Lines Swap with Line Above Swap with Line Below Duplicate Line

Duplicate Line

A copy of the current line is placed on the line immediately below it.

Swap with Line Below

Current line is swapped with the one below it. If some text is selected, this function swap all lines from block to reverse order.

Swap with Line Above

Current line is swapped with the one above it. If some text is selected, this function swap all lines from block to reverse order.

Join Lines

Removes all control (13h) and linefeed (0Ah) characters.

Insert Text into Lines... (Alt+I)

See Insert Text Into Lines.

Remove Email Quoting

This option removed the ">" characters that mark quoted lines in email messages. This option will operate on the entire file unless there is highlighted text.

Remove Redundant Spaces...

This option will give you the option of removing leading and/or trailing spaces from the text as well as "compressing" any spaces within a line to a single space. This option will operate on the entire file unless there is highlighted text.

Remove Blank Lines

This option will remove any completely blank lines in either the highlighted text or the entire file.

Remove Redundant Blank Lines

This option will "compress" multiple blank lines in the selected text, or entire file, to a single blank line.