Color Selector

What does the Color Selector do?

The color selector is designed to include the correct HTML color code or color name in to your file for the color you select. When you move your cursor over one of the small color swatches that color is reflected in the larger swatch at the bottom of the Color Selector along with that color's HTML code and, where appropriate, the color's name.
There are 5 palettes you can select from:

Safe Colors

This palette is limited to the 216, so called, 'Netscape' colors.

16-color Palette

This palette is limited to the 16 colors supported by older computers.

Gray Scale

This palette contains the 256 grey shades between black and white.

Named Colors

This palette is limited to the original 140 colors that have standard HTML names. A full list of the names can be found here.


This option opens the standard windows color selection dialog. The swatch at the bottom of the Color Selector does not change to reflect the colors your cursor moves over whilst using the Windows color selection dialog.